Carter 37s are getting ready to celebrate

The 50th Anniversary of the Carter 37 is next year and Carter 37s in Europe are getting ready to celebrate! TOMIRA, owned by Francesco & Mietta Gandolfi, is looking gorgeous in Italy. MUSTANG, owned by Philippe-Jacques Roux and his son François-Xavier, has just undergone a refit and is looking “sensationelle”, as is LINUEN, owned by Thierry Ollat. Jean-Michel Hoarau, the owner of another French Carter 37, HYLAS, is having her beautifully restored in anticipation of launching her next Spring. Skippered by her original owner David Edwards, Commodore of the RORC, HYLAS won Class III in the 1973 Fastnet Race, a prestigious victory for the Commodore and HYLAS alike!


Congratulations to our good friends Philippe-Jacques Roux and his son François-Xavier on the recent refit of their Carter 37, MUSTANG, named after the spirited wild horses of the American West. Our first reaction when we saw this photo was….WOW!! MUSTANG looks sensational!! Bravo Philippe and FX!