50th Anniversary of the Carter 30!

This past February 5th, the Russian Carter 30 Association celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Carter 30 yacht! There are more than 70 Carter 30s in the Moscow region. All except one were built by NAVIMOR in Szeczcin, Poland during the Soviet era. The Russian Carter 30 class has its own rules, regattas and a Russian Championship. Chapter 18 in Dick’s book traces the fascinating history of these yachts. Congratulations to all the Carter 30 owners worldwide!

LIVELY LADY II, the historic American TINA sister ship, is relaunched!

Huge congratulations are in order for owners Bill Hubbard and his son William on the major restoration of their TINA sister ship, LIVELY LADY II. What a classic beauty!! Dick is very appreciative of the Hubbard family’s decades’ long commitment to her upkeep.

LIVELY LADY II (ex-ANTELOPE) was actually Dick’s very first design in the United States. The original 1966 TINA was based out of the Netherlands while her American owners were temporarily living there.

And LIVELY LADY II is as fast as she is gorgeous: Bill and William Hubbard won the 2006 Bermuda Race with her and brought home…..10 trophies. That’s some serious hardware for a yacht built in 1969.

BENBOW: sleek and glamorous as ever

Thanks to the Yacht Club Italiano (YCI) for the recent photo of BENBOW tied up at their dock and looking very glamorous! BENBOW is the custom 65′ footer Dick designed in 1975 for the Italian industrialist Dr. Enrico Recchi. In the 1984 Giraglia, BENBOW set a course record which held for 14 years.


Thanks to Philippe-Jacques Roux for this recent photo of CORIOLAN looking terrific in the Morbihan, France! A custom 54′ footer built for Christian de Galéa in 1969, CORIOLAN was Dick’s first design with fiberglass sandwich construction.


Congratulations to our good friends Philippe-Jacques Roux and his son François-Xavier on the recent refit of their Carter 37, MUSTANG, named after the spirited wild horses of the American West. Our first reaction when we saw this photo was….WOW!! MUSTANG looks sensational!! Bravo Philippe and FX!