“The Accidental Designer”: new article in Seahorse Magazine

“The birth of Dick Carter Yacht Designer has a fairy tale quality to it. Winning the world’s most renowned ocean race, the Fastnet, with your first design, RABBIT. Then, being commissioned, even before that win, to create a One Tonner, TINA, and winning the One Ton Cup. With your second commission, OPTIMIST, winning the One Ton Cup again. Twice.”

Thank you Julien Everitt and Seahorse!

BENBOW: sleek and glamorous as ever

Thanks to the Yacht Club Italiano (YCI) for the recent photo of BENBOW tied up at their dock and looking very glamorous! BENBOW is the custom 65′ footer Dick designed in 1975 for the Italian industrialist Dr. Enrico Recchi. In the 1984 Giraglia, BENBOW set a course record which held for 14 years.


Thanks to Philippe-Jacques Roux for this recent photo of CORIOLAN looking terrific in the Morbihan, France! A custom 54′ footer built for Christian de Galéa in 1969, CORIOLAN was Dick’s first design with fiberglass sandwich construction.


Congratulations to our good friends Philippe-Jacques Roux and his son François-Xavier on the recent refit of their Carter 37, MUSTANG, named after the spirited wild horses of the American West. Our first reaction when we saw this photo was….WOW!! MUSTANG looks sensational!! Bravo Philippe and FX!

We love red Carter boats!

RED ROOSTER and JORAN (a TINA sister ship).
WAI-ANIWA. Winner, 1972 One Ton Cup with skipper Chris Bouzaid.
The Carter 33 production yacht. ‘Undercanvassed’ isn’t the word that springs to mind.

A red chicken at the St. Francis Yacht Club?

Dick had a great time giving his book presentation at the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco on November 20, 2019. They were kind to video the talk, which is posted below. Wonderful hospitality from the officers and members. Peter Pillsbury, son of former RED ROOSTER owner Davis Pillsbury, made a big effort to bring his model of the boat to the event. Jeff Carlile was also there, and is pictured below with Dick. Jeff recently tracked down the whereabouts of RED ROOSTER herself (yes, a rooster is male but RED ROOSTER sounds better than RED CHICKEN, n’est-ce pas?!). Several years ago, Jeff introduced Dick to Francesco and Mietta Gandolfi. They have subsequently bought and restored RABBIT to impeccable standards. Below are Jeff and Dick with