Next month! August 10th and 11th in the beautiful port of La Trinité-sur-Mer in southern Brittany! A year ago, our good friend and Carter 37 owner Philippe Jacques-Roux came up with the idea for a Dick Carter Cup regatta to celebrate this year’s 50th anniversary of YDRA and the Carter 37. The regatta was then expanded to include all Carter yachts, custom and production!
Dick is very much looking forward to attending! On Friday, August 10, all the Carter yachts will assemble at 15h00 in the port for photos, videos and celebrations!
At 18h00 in the Mairie de la Trinité-sur-Mer, Dick will give his first talk in France: “the French Connection”. A renowned French explorer played a crucial role in Dick’s decision to design a yacht of his own. If he hadn’t met this explorer, there would have been no RABBIT, no TINA, no RED ROOSTER. No OPTIMIST, no VENDREDI 13, no YDRA, no BENBOW. No Carter 25, 33, 37, 39, 40, NA40, 42, Ragtime, Southerly, Luna. Rien de tout! The talk will be open to all attendees and the French press. There will be opportunities to ask Dick questions, have photos taken and do more celebrating!
On Friday, August 11, there will be a race for the inaugural Dick Carter Cup trophy.
Dick is extremely grateful to Philippe, who has worked hard for many months to organize every single aspect of the event. The event will be hosted by Philippe, l’Association Passe-Coque, le Yacht Club de France, la Société nautique de la Trinité-sur-Mer, les “Amis de Dick Carter” et Jimmy Pahun, député du Morbihan. Dick is very appreciative of all their contributions in making this such a special occasion. He can’t wait! We hope to see you there! Vive la France!!